GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I weighed in June 09, 2003. I gained .4lbs and came in at 178..2!!!!! I am now officially at my Weight Watcher Goal and LIFETIME.
I now keep going to my personal goal at Weight Watchers. This is a lifejourney and I will be at it for a long time!!!!! Check out my lifetime page
My BMI is finally 25!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a healthy weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! December of 2001 when I weighed 320 lbs my bmi was 45 and when I started ww on June 10th, 2002 it was 37. I am now considered HEALTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weighed in today April 21st, 2003 and have lost 1lbs this week for a total of 86.4 lbs since 06/10/2002!!!!!
Meet Miss Reba. This is the sweet puppy who has come into my life.
Here is the latest addition to the family. Introducing Bette!!! I guess you can call them the Diva Dogs.
The picture below is from last fall when I weighed 300 pounds.
I am using this web site to track my journey on Weight Watchers. I will share pictures, tips, and other fun interesting facts. I hope it helps others.
Billy the beagle. My baby, best friend, and constant walking companion. Billy went to join Don and Peko in the park in the sky on Febuary 18th, 2003
Great place for support for those who have lost pets
This picture was taken April 22nd, 2003. I am wearing size 32 pants, a medium shirt and weigh 179.6 lb!!!!
This was taken 01/29/2003. I weigh 191.6 and am wearing a pair of size 32 jeans. I have not worn 32's in over 10 years!!!!!
These were taken December 12th 2002. I now weigh 198.8 lbs.
What's New?
This picture was taken on September 30th. I have lost 45.6 lbs on ww so far. I started at 266 lbs
This is my latest picture. It was taken 11/26/2002. I now weigh 204.4 lbs and am wearing size 36's regular cut wranglers!!!!!!!
I am stunned when I think how far I have come in only 7 months. I am 21.6 lbs from my weight watcher goal weight. I have had small losses a few times and even one gain over temporary gain over the holidays- lasted 1 week. I know the last pounds will be the most difficult as they were the easiest to put on and have been around the longest.
These next few weeks will see me concentrating even more on making healthy choices. It means more exercise, paying even stricter attention to what I am putting in my mouth. Does that mean this all ends when I hit goal? NOT BY A LONG SHOT!!!!!!! I am in this for life. I will be working hard to learn to maintain the new me and get in even better shape. I will be journaling points until I am in my 90's and beyond. I never want to be the sad and very unhealthy man I was before I decided to admit I had a problem and needed some help.
Weight Watchers has given me great tools to use to have a long and healthy life. I plan to use them always. I have so much more energy now. I fell 20 years younger than I did last January and look at least 10-15 years younger than my old picture. I have friends and co-workers constantly tell me how great I look and how I seem a different person. I am a different person. Last January, I was a tired old man at the age of 43. I hated myself and my life. I had gotten the point where walking a block was painful. I never wanted to go out. I hated seeing myself in the mirror or thinking what people must be saying as I walked by them. I now am excited as I notice changes in the mirror. I have people taking second looks and that puts a smile on my face. I love the fact that I am able to smile and feel good about me again. I actually love myself again and feel like I can let others into my life again. I am very serious when I say I do not think I would be alive today if I had not done this. Losing the weight and getting in better shape has brought me a new joy for life and I want everyone to feel that.
My leader, my group, and the wonderful people here at the boards have given me the support and encouragement to strive always harder to work the program to the best of my ability. Yes, part of it is my competitiveness (I want to be #1 at anything I do), part is not wanting to disappoint others( maybe I am a little co-dependent LOL), but the major part is the sense of satisfaction in knowing that I am also leading by example. I am living breathing proof that weight watchers really works. If I can do it, anyone can.
To any of you who are feeling discouraged, please do not give up. This program does work and can do so much more than just take weight off.
Lots of Hugs,
I guess I am crazy!!!!! I love Weight Watchers and what it is helping me do. I am taking control of my like and getting healthier and in better shape. I love the fact that instead of wear size 44 pants that were cutting off my circulation, I can now wear size 40's that are lose and a size 38 that is a little snug. I have more energy. I enjoy doing things again. I can actually walk to the grocery store and back without thinking I'm going to die. I can climb a flight of stairs while talking!!!!!! Before WW, I was lucky if I could breathe at the top.
I am also leaning new ways to cope with stress and celebrate the high points of my life. Food is not the answer. I will go for a swim, a walk, punch pillows(for stress), or go dancing. I don't have to feed my face for everything in the world now. When I do want a treat or special dinner, I make sure it is weight watcher friendly. That doesn't mean I don't still eat my favorites. I just make them a different way.
I do not try to find ways to get out of eating my veggies or fruit. I don't try to figure out some creative way to ignore the journaling or drinking my water. The only person that would hurt would be me. I have already done that enough. I would not be here if I had not beaten myself up with junk food, fast food, and every other type of food that did not move faster than me.
I still say that this is the best thing I have ever done for myself!!!!!!!!! I will be accountable for what I do and how I eat!!!!!! I will succeed and become a healthier and happier me!!!!!!!!!
Check out my new site for ww friendly recipes. I will be adding to it constantly.