My Journey on Weight Watchers
Thoughts to live by

Don't take any single moment of life for granted.

Do tell people you love that you love them.

Do tell people that you like that you like them.

Don't tell people you hate that you hate them.

Don't take advantage of any of your five senses.

Do fall in love.

Don't be afraid of being wrong.

Don't be afraid of being right.

Do listen to your favorite song as often as you like.

Do see your favorite play/musical/movie as often as you want to.

Don't get angry at stupid people.

Do say goodbye to a friend who has passed away as quickly as possible for you. Don't rush it; just don't delay it.

Dont regret a second of your life. You may have made some bad choices, but you made them and they happened.

Do the things that make you happy as often as possible.

Buy a friend dinner when they weren't expecting you to.

Plan things.

Share your wealth.

Hoard your disappointment.

When you ask a friend "what's wrong," ask as if to expect a real answer.

Don't hurt animals.

Don't avoid the dentist.

Take a drink of water from a water hose on a hot summer day. (You'd be surprised what this can do for you.)

Hug yourself.

Wink at somebody who knows why you're winking at them.

Drive with the window down and hang your arm outside the window. Do the "wind roller-coaster" thing.

Give your seat to someone on the bus or subway.

Listen to bongo drums.

If you can afford it, buy the thing you've been wanting to buy for such a long time.

Look a horse in the face.

Don't look a horse in the rear.

This is from a dear sweet man named Casey.
He is a great motivator and listener on the MSN Guys ON a Diet Board and the WW Guys On A Diet Board also.

small losses do add up

For those of you who have just started and as a reminder to some of the regulars, all losses are great losses and even a gain is not a bad thing. What you have to look at is how far you have come from where you started. This is a lifetime journey and there are many steps on that path. Some times the trail gets steep and is slower going, sometimes our way is blacked and we are at a standstill and some times we slip back a little and have to take a detour to get where we want to be. That is what makes this journey so interesting and can be so much fun and frustrating at the same time.

I have been on weight watchers for 33 weeks and have lost and average of 2.2545454545 lbs per week.(results not typical) I have had weeks where I lost a lot, lost .8, .2, .6 and even have gained 2.4 once. Did this slow me down or stop me from pursuing my dream? NO!!! This is a life journey and I will be on this journey at 90!!!!!

Lots of Hugs,



LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | About Me | North Carolina Goad | progress chart | profound thoughts on weight watchers | some tricks I use to stay on program | ARTICLE ABOUT ME FROM WORK | More thoughts on weight watchers | FALL RECIPES | MILSTONES | More thoughts in my head | Tips from me and different thoughts | Thoughts to live by | SOME MORE TIPS | friends page | Comic relief | more fun stuff | Favorite Links

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